First regional survey on Generation Z’s requirements for job advertisements

Great news for the Greater Region!

The first regional survey on Generation Z’s requirements for job advertisements is now available

Soley Mudersbach conducted a study on a variety of job advertisements in the Greater Region as part of her internship at talentmindz. This study represents the main point of her bachelor thesis at Trier University of Applied Sciences.

Which and how many job advertisements were examined?

A total of 90 job advertisements from the sectors “crafts / industrial-technical professions”, “public service and administration” and “general services” were examined.

The job ads were evaluated on the basis of a point system representing the categories very poor (0 points), poor (1 point), average (2 points), good (3 points) and very good (4 points). Thus, a maximum total of 60 points could be obtained per job advertisement.

The research data for this case study was obtained from the following main sources: Trierischer Volksfreund,,, and the job ads on the companies’ websites.

Comparing the analyses of the studied job advertisements with each other, we can see that the advertisements of the “general service industry” have achieved the best result with an average of 38.23 points. With an average of 36.57 points, the ads of the “crafts / industrial-technical professions” are in second place, followed by the job ads of the “public service and administration” with an average of 34.37 points achieved.

Why do many job advertisements not correspond to the requirements of Gen Z?

Most of the ads don’t have a corporate design and don’t use of (authentic) photos, the company presentation is in need of improvement and the employee benefits as well as application opportunities and contact details are not sufficiently addressed.

Based on the job advertisements examined, it can be stated that only very few job advertisements in the greater Trier-Luxembourg area meet the requirements of Generation Z (and also the requirements of other potential candidates). Out of 90 ads examined, only 17 ads were able to achieve more than 45 out of 60 points and almost 1/3 can be characterized as deficient by achieving less than 50% of the total score.

The study shows which criteria & requirements Generation Z has for job ads and which information channels are preferred. The study answers the question of how regional companies must design the application process in order to provide candidates with a positive application experience (candidate experience).

The entire study can be viewed here -> GenZ_Studie_Großregion.

Currently only in German language but we can share with you some valuable insights in French or English as well. Just contact us.

With just a few adjustments, companies in the Greater Region could quickly optimize their job ads to make them more attractive in both print and online media, increasing the likelihood of being perceived as a potential employer.

As experts in the field of employer branding, we are always available to provide you with advice and support and also accompany your company on its way to becoming an attractive employer. In our brochure (Talentmindz_Brochure) you will find all services, starting with the redesign of the job advertisement and ending with the design of a career website for candidates. We accompany you in your Employer Branding Journey from the very first step.

As a regional company with over 15 years of experience, we advise SMEs as well as large corporations and municipal enterprises. Due to our large Employer Branding expertise, we have already been invited by the city of Trier as regional experts to the digital conference “Projekt Task Force Grenzgänger 2.0 – Studierende als Fachkräftepotential für die Region Trier/Luxemburg”.

Do you have questions about the design of an optimal job advertisement or do you want to subject your candidate experience to an expert test?

Arrange a free initial consultation today. Feel free to contact us by email, phone, or via our social media channels on Linkedin or Xing.

We look forward to mastering your challenges together with you!

The talentmindz team.
